When did Jesus know he was the Son of God?, If Catholics do not believe in Sola Scriptura, then how do they avoid the conclusion that the Church is self-authenticating?, Does God hate divorce?, and more on today's Open Line.
Is eating meat on a Friday during Lent a sin?, Where can I find Purgatory in the Bible?, Is there salvation for Coptic Christians?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
Is it permissible for Catholics to read the apocryphal gospels?, Why won't God speak to me?, I was watching a video by Father Rippinger, the exorcist. He said if you're not in a state of grace God does not hear your prayers. Is this true?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
Can you define liturgy?, What do Catholics believe about the Rapture?, Can a consecrated host be out of the tabernacle?, Why do we keep consecrating Russia to Mary?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
Why does God allow bad things to happen?, Is Buddhism compatible with Catholicism?, Was Mary baptized?, How does the Catholic Church think about freedom?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
We were talking about baptism in RCIA, and one of the candidates says he thinks that original sin is a stain on the soul, but concupiscence is more psychological. Is he on the right track?, What’s the difference between the extraordinary and ordinary magisterium?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
It's Open Line Friday on EWTN Catholic Radio with Colin Donovan. What is the difference between Roman #Catholicism and Orthodox Christians? #Jesus #EWTN #OrthodoxChristianity #EasternOrthodox
Is it okay to pray the Breastplate of St. Patrick prayer?, Should a Catholic school name it's mascot demons?, How do we talk to people doubting God because they don’t understand pointless suffering?, and more on today's Open Line with Colin Donovan.
Should an extraordinary minister of communion bless people?, Do people really stay in Hell for eternity?, Why do Catholics baptize infants?, and more on today's Open Line.
What is the validity of consecration if a priest misspeaks?, Is taking a pilgrimage more important than visiting family?, Is missing Mass a mortal sin or a grave offense?, Who is God?, and more on today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan. This is an encore of the 010722 show.
My pastor is avoiding pronouns when discussing God, is that permissible?, Is the Eucharist an indulgence?, Where is the biblical support for praying to the saints?, and more on today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
How can I let go of hatred?, How can I explain Purgatory to a protestant?, Was the Book of Job real?, and more on today's Open Line.
Does God have free will?, Did God create evil?, and more on today's Open Line.
Please explain the difference between the writing of scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit and the testimony and writings of the Saints, Why did God favor the Israelites?, Is it ok for Catholics to attend SSPX Masses and, if so, can it fulfill one's Sunday obligation?, and more on today's mailbag edition of Open Line.
Colin discusses the liturgical season of Advent, Was Christmas always celebrated on December 25th?, May I baptize my 3-year-old granddaughter?, and more on today's Open Line Friday.