Light of the East

This unique program reveals how the riches of the Eastern Catholic Churches - their liturgies, spirituality and relevancy - are a gift to the whole Church and to today's world.
We are not PC here at 'Light of the East Radio.' We are BC, Byzantine Catholic. But there are some questions from RCs that are not very PC to pose to a BC. Is this making sense?
There is in our times a big round painful hole in the very soul of Western civilization. It could very well be that is the Eastern Catholic Churches that can help fill that hole.
We can have full confidence that a Church whose dogma's came about from Councils and not from a mere person is indeed the fullness of the Body of Christ on Earth.
The once common in the understanding and devotion to the Eucharist in both the Eastern and Western lungs of the Church are today vividly retained in the Eastern Catholic Churches.
'So ancient yet so new. How late have I found Thee.' The words of St. Augustine to Our Lord might also be the words of those who have found a place within the Eastern Catholic Churches.
We revisit a fundamental question that is often asked and often not well understood. What exactly is meant by the different Rites of the Catholic Church? How and why are they different?
The once common in the understanding and devotion to the Eucharist in both the Eastern and Western lungs of the Church are today vividly retained in the Eastern Catholic Churches.
Artificial flowers, artificial flavors, artificial birth control and now artificial intelligence? Is there any place, any thing, any more where things are still real and natural?
Ahh yes, those hazy, lazy days of summer, but not too fast with the ribs, burgers and brats. We have some preparing to do for a whole lot of special feast days and events this summer that will be good for your body.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has completed His mission of descent and Ascent, taking human nature with him to Heaven. Now, it is for us to complete OUR mission becoming saints.
here are Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit and a Church very much powered by by the Holy Spirit. Welcome, to the Eastern Catholic Churches.
In most areas of the world, the Eastern Catholic Churches are small and sparse. What does a small and sparse Church have to offer in confronting the big and powerful issues of our day?
We are coming up on 40 days after the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ where we will see Christ’s Ascension into heaven and the ascension Saints Cyril and Methodius as co-patrons of Europe.
Pope St. John Paul II said that every encounter in the Bible between God and womanhood was an encounter of the newness of life. It was so at the Annunciation, the empty tomb and now at Jacob's well.
We are half-way between the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sending down of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is a week filled with miracles, martyrs and Apostles.
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