Vatican Insider

Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
My special guest this first weekend in June on Vatican Insider’s interview segment is Fr. David Hulshof, director of Apostolic Formation at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. Part I of our conversation aired last weekend.There are a number of apostolates that are mandatory for all seminarians during their formation years such as working with the poor and homeless, with refugees, visiting patients in hospitals, being a guide in St. Peter’s Basilica and working in an Italian parish. Fr. David explains the apostolates offered at NAC, and you will revel in his passion and joy for the priesthood, the apostolates and especially for the current class of seminarians. In this photo, Fr. David (l) was one of three guests at the May edition of EWTN’s Roman Nights that took place in the historic Palazzo Grillo that overlooks the Roman Forum. The theme chosen for the gathering was “Charity Within the Church and Given by the Church.” Guest speakers were Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi of the Order of Malta to the Holy See, Dr. Alessandro Pernigo, of the Board of Directors for the Bio Medico University Campus of Roma, and Fr. David.

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