Vatican Insider

Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
In this week’s interview segment, Vatican Insider welcomes back Fr. Christopher Pearson, pastor of Most Precious Blood parish in London. As I mentioned last week in Part I of our conversation, we’ve been friends for over a dozen years, as you will hear in the amusing start of our conversation, and Fr. Christopher was in Rome to concelebrate at the January 5 funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. What links us in friendship is one of Pope Benedict’s major achievements – the creation in 2009 of the Personal Ordinariate, a canonical structure within the Catholic Church established to enable “groups of Anglicans” to join the Catholic Church while preserving elements of their liturgical and spiritual patrimony. Fr. Chris was an Anglican pastor for 15 years and talks about his becoming a Catholic priest. He highlights Benedict’s great desire for Christian Unity, citing the Ordinariate as one example of how that can be achieved.

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