Learn why the secular culture resists Church teachings because it finds them burdensome, as our hosts cover the latest news, viewer questions, and topics from Father’s book “Moral Wisdom of the Catholic Church.”
On today’s episode, Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss why the Lord, in allowing us to be free, delays the full revelation of His love and the darkness of Satan, until we freely choose His way rather than our enemy’s.
Our hosts delve deeper into Fr. Spitzer’s new book, “The Moral Wisdom the Catholic Church.” Learn why moral conversion is important and leads to a happier life. Plus, get a preview of this year’s EWTN Family Celebration.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck provide an enlightened perspective on several controversial stories in the news, and begin a robust discussion of Father’s new book, “The Moral Wisdom of the Catholic Church.”
Our hosts review topics in the news, preview important new books and discuss how through frequent reception of Holy Eucharist, we identify with the heart of Jesus and grow in the desire for His virtues.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss why there can be no greater prayer, no greater grace, no greater transformative power, and no greater path to salvation than the faithful reception of the Holy Eucharist.
Today’s topic: How the unifying aspect of the Holy Eucharist isn’t limited to enhancing individual believers, it’s a way for them to participate in the universal Church – both in this world and in the kingdom of Heaven.
Updates on the latest Catholic news, questions from our EWTN viewers, and Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss how through reception of the Eucharist, the Heart of Jesus will begin to affect and transform our hearts.
Post-pandemic, more young people believe in a higher power. Our hosts discuss the latest NY Post poll, and explain Paul’s admonition to not receive the Eucharist unworthily if we want to turn our life away from sin.
Fr. Spitzer explains how the transformative graces of the Eucharist changed his life, making God the most important thing in it. Plus, he and Doug cover more topics from Father’s book “Escape from Evil’s Darkness.”
On today’s episode, Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck explore how religiousity leads to good mental health. They also reflect on various aspects of the Resurrection of Christ and the effect it had on those around Jesus.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss studies on Jesus’ burial cloth and how latest research shows the shroud can be dated to the time of Christ. Plus, the latest topics in the news, and Catholic books you’ll want to read.
Father and Doug Keck discuss the Didache, an early Christian treatise, and explore how this ancient manuscript describes the Mass as a sacrament and a sacrifice and outlines the roles of prophets, presbyters and priests.
As they continue their discussion on topics from Father’s book “Escape from Evil’s Darkness”, Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck examine the difference between physical time and sacred time in how it relates to the Eucharist.
Topics in the news, questions from viewers, and more from Father’s new book, “Escape from Evil’s Darkness,” including how Jesus forms a new covenant with us through the Eucharist, a covenant guaranteed with His blood.