Fr. Spitzer answers viewer questions on a wide range of subjects, including: Reason, Faith, Suffering, Virtue, and the Existence of God.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss how the use of specific identifiable people or places, like Pontius Pilate or the city of Nain, help prove the historical accuracy of the Gospels.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss how the Gospels maintain the use of first century Palestinian terms, rooting the Gospels in the time of Christ, then authenticating the Bible.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss how the inclusion of embarrassing stories, such as the betrayal of Jesus by Peter, serves as an indication of the Bible’s authenticity.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss why scholars are sure eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ deeds and words in the Gospels were accurately recorded and without modification as time passed.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss how the Shroud of Turin, as an external Biblical source, offers historical evidence of Jesus because of the amount of scientific study it has endured.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss sources outside the Bible that cite the existence of Jesus, and are hostile to Christianity, carry credence as they do not aim to promote Christianity.
Learn about Fr. Spitzer's book, Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles, and how the evangelists emphasized Jesus’ doctrine not His miracles.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss Father’s new book, Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles, and examine the data proving Jesus was a real person.
There are many significant political issues to weigh when voting. Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss important issues that help Catholics determine what to consider before voting.
As the days tick down closer to the election, Father Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss various issues Catholics should seriously consider when preparing to vote.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck talk through the importance of taking Christian values, such as marriage and the prolife cause, into consideration when voting.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss the importance of voting for prolife candidates and positions in the upcoming election, and the societal consequences if we fail to protect life.
Father Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss how to rank issues in an election and in what way the Catholic voter should strive to select candidates who will promote the public good.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss the guiding forces to set for voting in an election, and why preborn babies possess the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Fr. Spitzer and Doug answer questions about St. Ignatius as a Doctor of the Church, and if a person raised as an atheist has the same culpability as a person raised in the Church.
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