Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

The Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke Sivers is a show for listeners of all ages who want to strengthen – or to learn to develop – a deep, personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ. Covering hot topics that are currently in the news and that may be causing people to lose hope; guests who address a specific topic like marriage and the family or sexual addiction; as well as your questions. Deacon Harold also brings his love of the psalms, music, and the many talks he gives at parishes across the country to each days show. Join "Dynamic Deacon" at 4 p.m. ET weekdays on EWTN Radio.
Scripture speaks throughout of marriage and its 'mystery,' its institution and the meaning God has given it, its origin and its end, its various realizations throughout the history of salvation, the difficulties arising from sin and its renewal 'in the Lord' in the New Covenant of Christ and the Church. We wrap up Marriage Week talking about The Biblical Foundations of Matrimony and Soulful Psalm 25:8-16

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