Vatican Insider

Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
This week in the interview segment I feature two amazing men, two friends, Craig Johring and Danny Leger, who are truly doing the Lord’s work of caring for the least of our brethren through HOPE OF THE POOR, an amazing organization they co-founded in Nebraska with headquarters in Mexico City and Omaha. The motto is “Alleviating the poverty of being unloved” and you will hear them tell absolutely riveting tales of the poorest of the poor whom they try to help in many ways, especially by giving them a sense of their worth and dignity. I spoke to Craig last year on Vatican Insider and Danny joined him on this visit to Rome and in this interview for VI. They speak of their work in Mexico and the U.S. and then share with us why the exciting reasons why they were in Rome.

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