Vatican Insider

Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
Welcome to Vatican Insider on yet another torrid weekend in so much of the world! Millions of us are asking when cooler temps might be coming! Actually, some areas in northern Italy had hailstones! As you know, a news summary opens Vatican Insider each week and, when time allows, there is a Q&A and then the interview segment. This week I offer part II of a great story – that of the Make A Wish Foundation. My guest again this weekend is Christina Hallmert from Make-A-Wish Italia, a volunteer with the foundation since 2009 and a member of its board. I am grateful that Christina, born in Sweden, married to an Italian and living in Rome, speaks English and can tell us about the marvelous work of Make a Wish Italia. How does the Foundation learn of a child’s wish? What are some of the wishes they have realized in Italy? Are there some wishes that are almost impossible? To re-cap: Make a Wish, founded in the United States in 1980, helps fulfill the wishes of children with a critical illness. Headquartered in Phoenix, it operates through 59 chapters located throughout the United States as well as in nearly 50 other countries around the world through 39 international affiliates. Here is a link to Make a Wish Italia:

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