The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.

Stephen Auth, missionary, author, and business executive

Stephen Auth describes with humor and humility how, in the midst of a long career on Wall Street, he has a conversion experience in 2002 that leads to an incredible missionary journey, one that involves taking on what he describes as “mission impossible” projects. Following where he feels God is calling him, Stephen starts a New York City street mission that is all about transforming and bringing Catholics back to the faith. Stephen shares that he has seen how the Lord transforms us and our faith by the experiences we have when we work hand in hand with Him. Stephen’s book, The Missionary of Wall Street, includes riveting and often funny stories of how he and his group of missionaries - ordinary Catholics from the financial sector - work shoulder-to-shoulder with Christ, feeling God’s grace, as they evangelize their wary New York neighbors.

Stephen Auth has had a long career on Wall Street and since 2000 has been with Federated Investors, where he serves as executive vice president and a chief investment officer of Federated Global Equities. Steve is a frequent guest on CNBC, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg TV, and is a long-standing participant in Barron’s annual investment outlook panel. He earned his undergraduate degree at Princeton University, where he graduated summa cum laude, and his graduate degree at Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar. Steve is a member of the Regnum Christi movement and sits on the national board of the Lumen Institute, which he helped found in New York. He has participated in missions in Mexico, and with his wife, Evelyn, has led the New York City street mission for ten years. Steve and Evelyn have two wonderful sons, Richard and Michael Auth.


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