The Bear Woznick Adventure challenges men to a deep, gritty and Manly Christianity. "The Most Radical Thing You Can Do In Life is Abandon Yourself To The Wild Adventure of God's Will." Discover the radical adventure of following God's will for your life every week on this one-hour show. PLUS Look for Bear's "Catechism in a Year" Daily 15 engaging discovery through each line of the Catholic Catechism.
An unfortunate reality is the terrible effect alcoholism can have in a family. John Sablan faced that in his own family as a teen. John shares with us the feeling of being consumed by the water of the world, being drowned, and the riptides pulling him away. The story doesn’t end there. If you are facing the same darkness as a result of the effects at the hands of someone fighting alcoholism there is hope. This week we are throwing you a boogie board to latch onto. Join John and I as we discuss how you can use these situations and pain in your life to excel.

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