The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.

Heather Triggs of the DeSales Secular Institute

There is a sense that all Christians are called to consecrate every aspect of their lives (family, work, leisure) to Christ and be conduits of grace, love, and mercy in a world both fallen and redeemed. Heather Triggs, a consecrated woman of the DeSales Secular Institute, gives testimony to the providential love and care of God the Father in her life, as she has come to discern, over a number of years, this vocation to “be the leaven in the world for Jesus.” (See the DeSales Secular Institute in the resources.)

Steeped in the wisdom and spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, these consecrated women share a rule of life and vows (poverty, chastity, obedience), and they live in the world. They live the consecrated life espoused to Christ Jesus, bringing His salvation and compassion into daily life. The mission of the Church is evangelization, and this vocation beautifully fulfills the Church’s mission!


Key Scripture

  • Mt 17:4: “Lord, it is good that we are here.”

  • Jn 1:3: “All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.”

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