Drop Your Nets
Gerry & Mel Martins, lay Catholic missionaries
There are many ways to be counter-cultural, and the Martins are perfect examples. Both Gerry and Mel were raised Catholic in Bombay, India, where Catholics represent less than 2% of the population. The typical birthrate is one or two children, and the Martins just welcomed their seventh child. They met in college where Mel admits she literally stalked Gerry. His parents wanted him to focus on his schoolwork, not Mel, so they dated for nine years before getting married. After graduation, Gerry pursued his dream to be a fashion photographer, and Mel became a teacher.
In 2014 while on vacation, they met a Catholic missionary couple who invited them to a discernment retreat for Family Missions Company, a lay missionary ministry. They’d never heard of Catholic lay missionaries, but this retreat changed their lives. Multiple bizarre events caught their attention and each one, individually, felt God saying “Drop your nets and follow Me.” They’d drifted away from their faith in college and were now the parents of two children, but both became convinced God was calling them to radical faith, asking them to give up everything to follow Him. Even though they faced strong hurdles, God miraculously took care of every need.
Melody (Mel) Martins was born into an active Catholic family who gave her a “beautiful, holy childhood.” Gerry was an only child who participated in Church as an altar boy and member of the choir. Together they and their children serve as lay missionaries through the Family Missions Company. Gerry is also the director of Encounter School of Ministry’s satellite campus based in Augusta, Georgia.