The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.

Dr. Kevin Vost, PSY. D. - Catholic author, speaker, professor, radio host, and television guest

Dr. Kevin Vost shares about his approach to attaining optimal health and true harmony of mind, body, and spirit within the context of a well-rounded devotional life - which he outlines in his book, You Are That Temple: A Catholic Guide to Health and Holiness. Dr. Vost reflects upon teachings from Scripture and St. Thomas Aquinas on the sacredness of the human body. The book addresses how Scripture instructs us to love and respect our body; developing healthy habits to enable us to love God with our whole self; cultivating moral, intellectual, and theological virtues to make our body a holy temple; avoiding illness through diet and exercise; and how practicing wellness fosters brain health.

Dr. Vost is the author of more than a dozen books with more in press, bringing his knowledge of classical Greco-Roman and medieval scholastic philosophy, modern cognitive psychology, and High Intensity Strength Training to bear on issues of Catholic catechetics, apologetics, saints’ biographies, spiritual growth, and physical fitness. Dr. Vost has presented dozens of talks on all of his books and also leads and speaks during pilgrimages to Ireland. Dr. Vost taught psychology and gerontology at Aquinas College in Nashville, the University of Illinois at Springfield, MacMurray College, and Lincoln Land Community College. He has also served as a Research Review Committee Member for American Mensa and as an Advisory Board Member for the International Association of Resistance Trainers. Dr. Vost obtained his Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. He has appeared on EWTN’s The Abundant Life and Women of Grace, The Journey Home with Marcus Grodi, and Bookmark with Doug Keck. He has done several hundred radio interviews and several multi-part series on all of his books and other topics on programs including Catholic Answers Live, Kresta in the Afternoon, Catholic Connection, and many more.



  • Mark 12:30: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

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