The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.

Bear Woznick, author, adventurer, Benedictine Oblate, husband, father, man of God

Bear Woznick shares points from his book, 12 Rules for Manliness – Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?, to unveil what is deep in every man’s heart: a call to live the heroic way. Bear explains how the cowboys of old were, in many ways, the models of manliness. They were perceptive, decisive, and lived by a personal creed - and they knew how to make a stand. Bear discusses the importance of men having a plan that helps them learn how to develop a proper personal creed. He also shares how to avoid being a drifter but, rather, to seek God’s purpose for your life.

Bear’s amazing biography is filled with “eMANgelization” projects and tons of adventure, including pedaling his bicycle from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, holding the very rare NINJA blackbelt, and being a two-time Masters World Tandem Surfing Champ and an inductee into the Catholic Sports Faith Hall of Fame.


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