Randy Hain, business consultant and coach
Randy Hain has us on the edge of our seats sharing his journey into the Catholic Church. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist comes to life in Randy’s story. God, family, and work (and in that order!) are sources of grace and wisdom for this husband, father, successful businessman, and author of eight books. Randy and Sandra Hain have two sons, Alex and Ryan. Randy gives us a
glimpse into his son’s being diagnosed with autism, inspiration from his wife to convert, and practical ideas for daily and family prayer.
Randy Hain’s latest book, Essential Wisdom for Leaders of Every Generation, and information about his other books
Randy Hain is Founder and President of Serviam Partners and Co-founder of Integrated Catholic Life
Randy recommends nurturing daily prayer with The Way by St. Josemaria Escriva and In Conversation with God by Fr. Francis Fernandez