Legislation Made Simple

Join co-hosts Patty Decraene and Jane Robbins as they help you become more aware of how the Georgia legislature operates and what is happening under the Gold Dome.
The Inside Story of Online Gambling

Les Bernal of Stop Predatory Gambling

Given the sprint in the Georgia legislature to pass one or more bills to legalize online sports betting, we invited Les Bernal of Stop Predatory Gambling to tell us the inside story of online gambling and why he thinks it’s bad for families (and therefore for society). Les, a devout Catholic who lives in Massachusetts, is a nationally-recognized expert on the gambling issue who testifies throughout the country, including in Georgia, to warn legislators of the risks. This enlightening interview is a companion piece to the two shows on legalized gambling Legislation Made Simple did in 2023, one with Mike Griffin (January 28, 2023) and the other with Dr. John Kindt (February 4, 2023).


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