The Bear Woznick Adventure challenges men to a deep, gritty and Manly Christianity. "The Most Radical Thing You Can Do In Life is Abandon Yourself To The Wild Adventure of God's Will." Discover the radical adventure of following God's will for your life every week on this one-hour show. PLUS Look for Bear's "Catechism in a Year" Daily 15 engaging discovery through each line of the Catholic Catechism.
Atheism is gaining popularity every day. Although you and I know the atheistic worldview is ultimately untenable, we often feel ill-equipped to counter atheist arguments. That’s why I’m so excited to be joined by best-selling author Dr. Peter Kreeft! In this episode, Peter and I tackle the difficult task of responding to militant atheist objections to the existence of God and the truth of the Catholic Faith. You’ll definitely want to check this out!

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