The Bear Woznick Adventure challenges men to a deep, gritty and Manly Christianity. "The Most Radical Thing You Can Do In Life is Abandon Yourself To The Wild Adventure of God's Will." Discover the radical adventure of following God's will for your life every week on this one-hour show. PLUS Look for Bear's "Catechism in a Year" Daily 15 engaging discovery through each line of the Catholic Catechism.
Evangelizing the world in the times of the Apostles was no easy task. Apostles traveled a lot of mileage and they didn’t have the convenience of a Harley Davidson motorcycle to do so.  If an Apostle wanted to go some great distance they had to get on a cargo ship and take a dangerous voyage. The food would be wretched and the sanitary conditions had much to be desired. By taking on this mission of evangelizing the world they were taking on a lot of risk. Mike Aquilina and Bear talk about the Apostles and their times on this week’s episode of the Bear Woznick Adventure.

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