Mary Rice Hasson, policy expert on gender ideology
Transgenderism is fundamentally a rejection of what we’ve received as a son or daughter of God. Misguided advocates teach we should be able to create our own identity based on feelings.
Mary Rice Hasson is an attorney who has tackled the tsunami of gender confusion. She co-founded the “Person and Identity Project” (PIP) which aims to equip parents and faith-based institutions with the facts, resources, and expertise to promote an authentic vision of the human person and counter the culture when it comes to gender ideology. PIP experts speak, write, and conduct workshops on gender ideology so that, together, we can change the dialogue around gender. Rather than submitting to a false compassion which tries to coerce us into affirming a false narrative about the human body, PIP helps strengthen parents, pastors, and educators with appropriate language to guide their children and others to confidently affirm the truth.
Mary Rice Hasson was born into a strong Catholic family at a critical time when Church teachings were being discarded. Her parents picked up the slack and educated her in Catholic schools. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and Notre Dame Law School, Mary is married to Seamus Hasson, and they are parents of seven grown children and grandparents of seven. Mary was diagnosed with M.S. during her sixth pregnancy and then her husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s two years later. Rather than succumb to pity, they are living witnesses of trusting and surrendering to God. Currently, Mary’s M.S. is under control, and Seamus is wheelchair bound.
Mary Rice Hasson is the Kate O’Beirne Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. An attorney and policy expert, Mary has been a keynote speaker for the Holy See during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, addressing education, women and work, caregiving, and gender ideology, and serves as a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family, Life, and Youth. She speaks frequently at national conferences, universities, and in dioceses across the country and has testified before the U.S. Senate, state legislatures, and the Australian parliament on parents’ rights and transgender issues.
Person and Identity Project (PIP)-
Catholic Women’s Forum: The Catholic Women’s Forum provides a network for Catholic women scholars seeking fellowship and to influence the culture, and offers a forum for Catholic women to share faith, inspiration, and resources.
Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child From Public School Before It’s Too Late by Mary Rice Hasson and Theresa Farnan, PhD