The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.
Jul 17, 2024

Tracy Winsor, wife, mother, grandmother, and ministry co-founder

The joy of a pregnancy can dissolve when parents are told prenatal testing may have uncovered a genetic defect. While these tests are meant to screen rather than diagnose, they become a defining moment for parents. Tracy Winsor was one of those mothers and it changed her life forever. Not because of despair, but because it became the catalyst for a unique ministry called “Be Not Afraid,” which she co-founded with Sandy Buck in 2008.

Increasingly, the medical community recommended terminating these pregnancies, giving parents little time to think. If they wanted to allow God to decide the length and quality of their child’s life, resources were literally nonexistent. “Be Not Afraid” was their response. Tracy explains, “These parents think they have a medical crisis that requires a medical solution. We respond with trauma-informed care.” This care teaches parents how to advocate for their child.

In 2023 “Be Not Afraid” realized the need was greater than their reach and developed curriculum to teach other organizations how to provide their service of care to parents. To date, a dozen organizations have taken their training.

Raised by her mother and grandmother, Tracy always had a Catholic identity. The mother of six boys and two babies in heaven, Tracy is expecting her sixth grandchild shortly. Using her undergrad degree in Public Administration, Tracy was able to secure a seat at the table to advocate for these babies and their parents.


Mike and Alicia Hernon, parents of 10 children and co-founders of The Messy Family Project

Mike and Alicia Hernon share their joyful wisdom borne from the experience of parenting ten children and creating resources to empower moms and dads to embrace their calling. Hear discussions on four key principles of parenting, parenting as a team, the role of grandparents, and the importance of “family culture.” As Mike and Alicia say, “We serve messy families! We believe that being a good parent starts with being a great spouse. But being a good parent or even a great spouse is hard, messy work. And we’re not meant to do it alone! So, join us on this journey, because we believe that not only is marriage and family life a path to holiness, but it’s an incredible adventure!”


  • Find a unique variety of resources offered through The Messy Family Project website including family retreats, The Family Board Room course, free resources, blogs, and podcasts.
  • Join in on The Messy Family Project “Play and Pray Challenge” in June 2023 culminating on June 16, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Nick Bernhard, husband, father, and ministry leader

Today’s culture portrays fathers as either tyrannical or weak, resulting in many young men throwing up their hands, unwilling to tackle conflicting expectations. It’s understandable, but we’ve come to realize that weak men create weak families. Lacking a strong father figure, Nick Bernhard admits that although he went to Catholic schools, he didn’t grow up Catholic. The culture called, and he followed.

The birth of his first child caused Nick to begin responding to nudges of the Holy Spirit through his wife, Catherine. Her return to the Church was his first step, drawing him gently toward God. By taking advantage of opportunities for spiritual growth, Nick realized men need to step into their role as leaders of their family, saying, “If you can get to the men, you can get to the families.”

Nick and Catherine now lead the Holy Family Ministry created to bring families together and build community through social and spiritual events. Listen as Nick explains the ministry and the importance of strong fathers who lead their families with vulnerability and humility.

Nick was born in 1990, and his father committed suicide when he was 18 months old. His mother remarried when he was three, and his stepfather introduced him to Catholicism, although it was not practiced in the home. Nick has been married to his wife, Catherine, for 12 years and they have 5 children, ages 11 down to 2. They’ve moved several times, most recently from central Missouri to the mountains of north Georgia. Nick is co-chair of the Pastoral Council at their parish, Our Lady of the Mountains, in Jasper, Georgia, and works full-time as a project engineer in the construction chemical industry.


  • The Holy Family Ministry at Our Lady of the Mountains. Each month the ministry offers family-centered events designed to build community. For more information, visit the website or email
  • Bart Schuchts, founder of Church on Fire, August 8-10, 2024, at Our Lady of the Mountains, for a weekend filled with encountering our Heavenly Father’s love through the fire of The Holy Spirit.
  • That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. Visit the website for more information and to find a program at parishes throughout the United States.

Fr. Robert J. Altier, author and priest of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis in Minnesota

In the amazing book, God’s Plan for Your Marriage: An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, inspired by the Holy Spirit and recommended by faithful leaders including Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and Dr. Bob Schuchts, Fr. Robert Altier gives us a powerful weapon to use in the current battle being waged against marriage. Join us as we discuss this new book with Fr. Altier and experience what Dr. Schuchts describes below:

“In our culture, which champions self-centered and disposable ‘love,’ this book, God’s Plan for Your Marriage, is a breath of fresh air. From beginning to end, it is filled with wisdom. As I read through it, I was awed by Fr. Altier’s insights into Sacred Scripture, the Church’s teaching, and Theology of the Body. As I read through the book, I was deeply challenged and convicted of my own self-centeredness throughout the years of my marriage. This book is desperately needed in our time. Everyone who is married, or planning to marry, needs to read this. It will save them much heartache. This book will also be a source of healing for those who have gone through the pains of divorce or broken relationships. Finally, this book should be required reading for marital therapists and for everyone who helps prepare couples for marriage.” — Bob Schuchts, Founder of the John Paul II Healing Center

Fr. Robert Altier is a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis in Minnesota. He was ordained in 1989 and is currently the parochial vicar at the Church of the Holy Trinity in South St. Paul. Fr. Altier taught the comprehensive, sixty-part catechetical series Beauty, Truth, Goodness: The Fundamentals of Catholicism, which has been aired on eight Catholic television networks throughout North America, Mexico, and Central America. He has been a frequent contributor on Relevant Radio.


Susan Milani, Parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena in Kennesaw, Georgia

Raised in a very Jewish home in Charleston, South Carolina, Susan is the only child of immigrant parents, a Polish Jewish survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp, and a German Jewish escapee from East Germany. Through beautiful experiences and people Susan encountered from a young age, God wooed her into the Catholic Church. Susan lives her faith out loud in practical and winsome ways that draws others to Jesus and the Catholic Church. Her witness encourages us to step into opportunities to evangelize in our everyday lives.

Susan and her husband Bob are parishioners of St. Catherine of Siena in Kennesaw, GA ,and own the Lazy Labrador Coffee House in downtown Kennesaw where they offer God’s love to all who enter.


  • Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.”

Fr. Greg Markey, Head Chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College

The Camino de Santiago, or “Way of St. James,” is an extensive network of ancient pilgrim routes stretching across Europe and coming together at his tomb in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Begun in the year 814, original pilgrims started from their homes, creating this network of pathways to Santiago. Making his journey in gratitude for ten years as a priest, Fr. Greg Markey deliberately wore his collar to spark conversation as he walked 500 miles from France to Santiago. Meeting fellow pilgrims, Father discovered most were at a crossroads in life. Often compelling, he began writing stories and sending them back to his parishioners from local internet cafés along the route.

Once home, he discovered his stories had been shared far and wide. Eventually a publisher convinced him to write a book of the stories along with lessons he learned on the Camino. Now in its second printing, Father Markey believes Discovering the Camino de Santiago has been popular because it’s the story of everyday people hearing God speak to them through a priest.

The youngest of 11 children from a close-knit Catholic family, Father Markey graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1991 with a degree in Political Science and two minors: one in Philosophy and one in Math. He began his seminary training at St. John Fischer for the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and then graduated from Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, Maryland, with a Masters in Divinity. Celebrating his 25th anniversary in 2024, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Bridgeport in 1999. Father Markey is currently the Head Chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College in Northfield, Massachusetts.


Bear Woznick, EWTN host, world-champion surfer, certified Ninja black belt

Many men today find it difficult to pinpoint what being a father means. Nobody gave them an instruction manual when they were young, so their definitions are all over the map. Bear Woznick beautifully ties together both Biblical virtues and common-sense guideposts to help men navigate the choppy waters of manhood in his book, 12 Rules for Manliness. With Bear’s classic masculine spirituality, today he calls out fathers as the point of the spear in our culture today.

Challenging men to find the breach our culture’s walls, Bear makes no bones about the need for men to step into the breach, even when it’s difficult. As Bear says, “The breaches in our walls go right through our family room.” Listen up as he explains why men need to be dangerous again - not by being opinionated, but by becoming the light on the hill to lead their families and communities to safety.

Bear Woznick is a world-champion surfer, certified ninja black belt, and sought-after speaker. He is the host of EWTN’s The Bear Woznick Adventure and a motorcycle-based, immersive reality-show series called Long Road Home.

A Benedictine oblate, Bear is the author of several books and, along with his wife, Cindy, navigate “Spirit of Adventure Ministries” where men can join Bear in his Man Cave and learn more about his “School of Manliness” which is a 3-year course for fathers and sons. Wives can join Cindy in her Momma Bears’ hangout.


PennyKay Hoeflinger, abuse survivor and advocate

Born into a poor family in rural Wyoming, PennyKay Hoeflinger was raped by a fellow student when she was only 6. Dismissed by authority figures, her life eventually spiraled into addiction, witchcraft, and human trafficking.

In 1987 a traveling pastor at a truck stop helped rescue PennyKay. Seeking food, she visited his mobile chapel where he knew that if PennyKay left, she would be lost forever. He quickly mobilized hundreds of hidden prayer warriors and, in hindsight, Miss Penny readily admits that “Jesus Christ decided it was time for me to come out of that world and shed that skin.”

Since then, PennyKay has lived her life to save others from trafficking. Teaming up with her friend, Sylvia Dorham, they have co-written several books and travel the country educating families and communities about human trafficking. Their goal is to make people aware of how trafficking affects everyone, knowing education is the key to making it unthinkable.

PennyKay’s background and experience:

  • Founder & President, Coffee House Farm, LLC
  • Active Member (and Parliamentarian) in Daughters of the American Revolution
  • Shepherd University – B.A. in Psychology
  • Kaplan University – M.S. Business/Healthcare
  • Masters in Psychology – Applied Psychology


Dr. Helen Hoffner, college professor and Catholic author

Few people consider thanking a Catholic as they go about their daily activities, but the achievements and discoveries credited to ordinary Catholics are quite a story. For example, did you know the Mayo Clinic began in a convent after a tornado? Or, that you might not be drinking coffee today had it not been for the endorsement of this energizing drink by Pope Clement in the 16th century?

Dr. Helen Hoffner does an amazing job of digging into the Catholic origins of many things we take for granted: hospitals, pretzels, and insulin are just a few she discovered while writing her book, Catholicism Everywhere: From Hail Mary Passes to Cappuccinos - How the Catholic Faith Is Infused in Culture.

Similarly, intrigued by her mother’s collection of rosaries, Dr. Hoffner co-wrote a book with her mom that she likens to an antique road show, explaining variations on the rosary. A third book, Catholic Traditions and Treasures, helps explain the history behind many Catholic traditions such as burying a statue of St. Joseph when selling a house.

Helen Hoffner earned her doctorate at Widener University, her master’s at Temple University, and a bachelor’s degree at West Chester University. She also studied theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Since 1999, Dr. Hoffner has been a professor at Holy Family University where she chairs doctoral dissertation committees and teaches graduate and undergraduate courses. She has been a teacher in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and is a member of the Cardinal O’Hara High School Hall of Fame and the Domestic Schools Advisory Board of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.


Mark Houck, pro-life activist arrested by the FBI

Nothing can prepare you when the FBI descends on your home in a predawn raid, terrifying your wife and seven young children. A civil complaint against him was dismissed days earlier, so Mark Houck couldn’t comprehend the ruckus coming from his front porch. Surely this was a mistake.

Mark was active in the pro-life community for decades, standing peacefully outside a local abortion clinic while offering women a better choice. It was important that his children learn firsthand how they could serve God through this ministry, so when his oldest turned 12, he joined his dad on the sidewalk every week. October 2021 changed everything. Mark’s son had been going to the clinic for several months when a seasoned Planned Parenthood volunteer approached the boy, whispering ugly comments in his ear. Mark repeatedly requested he back away, but he wouldn’t. What ensued over the next two years was Mark’s personal invitation to martyrdom when he refused to plea bargain. His rosary became his anchor as he walked to Calvary, unanimously acquitted of all charges in 2023.

Mark received his undergraduate degree in Human Resources Management and his Master’s in Education from Holy Family University in Pennsylvania, where he also excelled in football, achieving All American status. In 2004 he began a men’s ministry whose goal was to help men grow in virtue and leadership. In its tenth year, The Kings Men continues to help shape Catholic men to be better husbands, fathers and leaders. Mark and his wife, Ryan, home school their children, and Mark recently campaigned for State Representative in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.


Kristen Van Uden Theriault, author, editor, media spokesperson

Kristen Theriault’s family lived their Catholic identity for centuries, but after seeing a culture shift in Catholic education, Kristen desired to keep rich Catholic heritage alive. That included her undergraduate project interviewing Catholics who survived communism, preserving their stories before they became lost. This project became Kristen’s first book, When the Sickle Swings: Stories of Catholics who Survived Communist Oppression.

Entering the international import/export trade after graduation, Kristen soon pivoted into the Catholic book world as the media spokesperson for Sophia Institute Press, where she now pursues her dream of showcasing Catholic heritage to the world.

When Angel Studios called asking for a companion book to their movie on Mother Cabrini, Kristen was a natural. Gathering Mother’s written words, Kristen mined Mother’s letters and retreat notes, pulling out gold nuggets and organizing them thematically into 52 weekly devotionals, each with a separate theme.

Released simultaneously with the movie, her book The Mother Cabrini Companion fills in the blanks the movie left out, showcasing a woman whose love for God allowed her to topple obstacles on behalf of the forgotten immigrants of her time.


Dr. DiAnn Ecret - PhD, MSN, RN, MA cert

By early high school, DiAnn Ecret dreamed of becoming a missionary nurse, and it was at a Catholic nursing school and hospital that her formative years in the medical field seamlessly flowed from the moral tradition that all life is sacred, from conception through natural death.

Following the Nuremburg Trials and Syphilis Study at Tuskegee, Alabama, America helped develop “Principalism” which stressed the dignity and autonomy of every human being. As a result, the Catholic and secular medical positions were effectively synonymous, both honoring the sanctity of life and importance of truthful disclosure to patients.

By the early 1990s DiAnn found herself at a crossroads, or what she calls “the dark night” of her nursing career. Faced with an upsetting ethical choice, she resigned at the end of that shift and began a personal search which would help answer the bioethical questions looming on the horizon.

Listen as DiAnn explains how her search caused her to understand the dangerous trajectory of current secular medical ethics, highlighting the stark contrasts between Catholic and secular bioethics today.

DiAnn graduated from Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing in 1987 and has 38 years of combined adult, pediatric, and neonatal critical care nursing experience, nursing management, and nursing education experience. Currently, DiAnn teaches full time as an Associate Professor of Nursing at Ave Maria University and works as a nurse ethicist at the National Catholic Bioethics Center. She also volunteers providing ethics consultations services for ‘Be Not Afraid’ and volunteers as a guest lecturer for The Nurse Residency Program Naples Comprehensive Health (NCH) care in Southwest Florida.


  • National Catholic Bioethics Center: “Dedicated to Upholding the Dignity of the Human Person in Health Care and Biomedical Research since 1972.” Email: for consultation requests, questions regarding the Church’s teaching on bioethical issues, guidance in moral decision making, or other matters to be directed to an NCBC ethicist. Please allow up to 3 days for a response. In emergency situations, an NCBC ethicist is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling 215-877-2660 (only for imminent, end-of-life questions.) NCBC ethicists do not provide legal or medical advice.
  • Be Not Afraid: a private, non-profit organization supporting parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis.

Daniel Fitzpatrick, husband, father, teacher, and author

Drawing from the rich cultural heritage of his Louisiana hometown, Daniel Fitzpatrick saw a stark contrast between the rhythmic nature of Catholic life in New Orleans and the hustle-bustle of other cities. In New Orleans, time followed the liturgical seasons of the Church. In other places, each Sunday felt the same, often fostering a sense of obligation and melancholy.

Wanting to highlight the essence of Catholic life as the source of our contentment, Dan set out to discover why Sunday lost its meaning for the majority of Catholics. Going back to Church Fathers like Augustine and Aquinas gave him the clues necessary to adapt his own thinking about how we can capture the importance of the Sabbath, cementing Sunday as the proper anchor to our week.

In his book, Restoring the Lord’s Day: How Reclaiming Sunday Can Revive Our Human Nature, Dan lays out five ways we can reorder our Sunday activities in order to restore the Sabbath’s holiness and learn to live each day in restful surrender to God.

Daniel Fitzpatrick lives in New Orleans with his wife and four children, and he teaches English at Jesuit High School of New Orleans.


James Flanagan – Exec. Dir., Catholic World Mission

It’s often only in hindsight that we understand how God equips us for our perfect mission. As Executive Director of Catholic World Mission (CWM), James Flanagan recounts how he was required to write daily goals in the Army, never understanding why he’d always list working for a Catholic non-profit some day. Now he knows.

By building relationships with local Bishops and Archbishops, CWM connects with local priests and nuns who understand the needs of their communities, helping them develop local solutions to local problems. Through this model, they are able to build bridges to communities in need all over the world, sifting through more than 500 potential projects each year.

Basing their choices on the three pillars of evangelization, education, and dignified living, CWM’s main goal is to alleviate suffering, illuminate the mind, and ignite the Spirit. Having joined CWM in 2023, one of James’ main goals is to help restore mission trips, broadening the ways that people can participate in CWM’s growing mission field.

James Flanagan is a devout Catholic with over 12 years of leadership and success in communications as well as various nonprofit recognitions. He served close to nine years in the Army where he had the honor to lead many successful teams in countries throughout the Middle East and Asia. James later worked in Senior and Executive corporate communications roles for Fortune 250 companies with an emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility. He holds a BBA from the University of Georgia and a JD from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law. James and his wife, pediatrician Dr. Elaine Flanagan, are expecting their third child and attend Mary Our Queen parish in suburban Atlanta.


Jennifer Thomas, writer, speaker, and podcaster

After losing both parents within a year to cancer, Jennifer Thomas admits she wasn’t on best terms with God. Her first Mother’s Day as a Mom was also her first Mother’s Day without a Mom.

No two people grieve the same, and Jennifer shares a unique tool which started her journey to healing. After God softened her heart, she met Andrea Bear at a workshop of The Catholic Writers Guild. Drawn by their joint love of writing, joint grief became their greatest bond as Andrea also lost her mom.

With strong encouragement, within a year they had the outline for their successful show, “The Mourning Glory Podcast,” which began airing in the fall of 2023. Their goal is to let people know they are not alone in their suffering by inviting guests to share what grief looked like for them and how God helped turn their own mourning into glory.

Jennifer Thomas is a Catholic wife and mom who recently reverted back to the faith. In addition to being a contributing writer for, she is a stationary enthusiast who enjoys sending meaningful letters to her friends and family. She also enjoys researching ways to instill Catholic traditions within her family while finishing her first book about her journey.


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