The Family Room (The Quest)

Join co-hosts Mari Cleveland from St. Jude the Apostle and John Gordon and Craig Wesemeyer from St. Peter Chanel as they speak with authors, theologians, and local priests and lay leaders to provide your family encouragement, resources, and hope. Enjoy heartfelt stories and engaging conversations with Catholics who are excited to share their life experiences and acquired wisdom to help your family continue to live out your faith with joy.
Forgiveness in Marriage
Fr. Elias Dorham, Melkite Catholic priest

Few people think of calling a Catholic priest “Grandpa,” but fewer still know there are more than 20 Eastern rites in the Catholic church, all of which are self-governing churches under the Pope, and most of which permit married priests. Fr. Elias Dorham, pastor of St. John Chrysostom Melkite Catholic Church in Atlanta, gives a short explanation of the differences between the Latin rite and the Eastern rites within the Catholic Church.

Having been married over 30 years and raising 10 children, Father Elias realized in his pastoral ministry that couples rarely create a safe place in their relationship for disagreements, often believing married couples shouldn’t fight. That led him to create a marriage-enrichment program which reframes the experience of conflict, offering couples solid guidelines for healthy marriages with healthy boundaries.

Through this online interactive workshop called “The 7 Principles Workshop,” couples learn that marriage is a place where they live out their witness to Christ, learning to ask for and extend forgiveness as a critical part of their path to Salvation. Partnering with Mount Tabor Counseling Center in Colorado, Fr. Elias facilitates this workshop, walking couples through the principles of effective marriages.

Fr. Elias was raised by his grandparents in a home without religion, and it wasn’t until his days in the Naval Academy that he felt called to explore Christianity. He was baptized Catholic in 1991 and married his wife, Sylvia, shortly after graduation. They have 10 children, ages 30 down to 7 and 3 grandchildren (so far).

His extensive scholastic achievements include a Doctor of Ministry from St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He also has an M.A. in Theological Studies from Christendom College, an M.S. in Information Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a B.S. in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy. Prior to ordination, his professional experience encompassed coaching and leadership development across the military, federal/local government, and technology sectors. Areas of particular interest include marriage-related ministry, Sacred Scripture, and liturgical theology.


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