The Morning Quest

Local, live morning show airing weekdays at 8 a.m. on AM 1160 The Quest
Morning Quest 2/28/25
  • Scripture Verse of the Week: James 1:19- Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
  • Guest: Vince Frese parishioner of St. Ann's in Marietta and founder of is here to talk about the upcoming retreat-  Love Again, Remarriage Preparation workshop taking place on March 15th, ; Divorced Catholic- Our mission is to help get you started–and keep you going- on the path to recovery, rebuilding, and renewal from divorce by providing you with information, resources and encouragement.
  • Gospel: Fr. Mark White pastor of Queen of Angels in Thompson GA and St. Joseph's in Washington GA, Luke 6:39-45 
  • Saint of the Day: Chuck – Saint Pope Hilary
  • Guest: Kathleen Lindemann- Director of Adult Evangelization at St. Michael the Archangel is talks about ways to prepare for Lent

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