Morning Quest 3/27/25
🎙 The Morning Quest — Show Notes | March 27, 2025
Find Joy in the Journey with Allison Dalloul, Josh Harris, and today's inspiring guests!
- Father David DesPres from Immaculate Heart of Mary discusses his upcoming Lenten retreat in St. Augustine of Hippo in Covington GA. titled "Fire and The Eucharist"Â
- Saint of the Day with Chuck Purzner – Discover the life and witness of today’s featured saint and how their example calls us deeper into holiness.
- Father Revak pastor of St. Claires of Assisi in Ackworth GA, unpacks today's gospel reading.Â
- Deacon Pupo, Deacon at St. Michael the Archangel in Woodstock GA talks about his ministry as and Police Chaplin
The Morning Quest 03/26/25
🎙 The Morning Quest — Show Notes | March 26, 2025
Finding Joy in the Journey with Allison Dalloul and Josh Harris
Today’s episode is packed with powerful witness and deep reflections to inspire your day:
- Michelle Pickard Ministry Lead for Catechesis and Certification for the office of Evangelization and Discipleship for the Archdiocese and parishioner at Christ the King discusses 7 Sisters Apostolate
- Saint of the Day with Chuck Purzner – Discover the life and witness of today’s featured saint and how their example calls us deeper into holiness.
- Fr. Adam Blatt pastor of Christ our King and Savior in Greensboro GA, unpacks Matthew 5:17-19
- Clarence Burkholder parishioner at St. Thomas the Apostle in Smyrna will be talking about St. Paul Street Evangelization and his work evangelizing on college campuses. Â
The Morning Quest 3/25/25
🎙 The Morning Quest — Show Notes | March 26, 2025
Finding Joy in the Journey with Allison Dalloul and Josh Harris
Today’s episode is packed with powerful witness and deep reflections to inspire your day:
- Pierce Benfield shares his powerful testimony of encountering Christ and how God transformed his life.
👉 Watch Pierce’s full story on YouTube here: HTG - From Protestant to Catholic: Pierce's Journey to Loving Mary and his Conversion to the Church
- Saint of the Day with Chuck Perzner – Discover the life and witness of today’s featured saint and how their example calls us deeper into holiness.
- Father Silloway offers a special reflection on God's mercy – a perfect message as we draw closer to Holy Week. Don't miss his insight on how divine mercy meets us right where we are.
3/20/2025 - 8a-9a-Gregg McDonald, Allison Dalloul, Josh Harris
Gregg McDonald, Allison Dalloul, and Josh Harris.
3/19/25 - 8a-9a - Larry Schauer and Ann Hall - Morning Quest 3/19/25
Allison Dalloul, Josh Harris, Larry Schauer, Ann Hall.
3/18/25 - 8a-9a - Morning Quest - Community of Hope Pledge Drive - with Andy Lichtenwalner and John Williams
Andy Lichtenwalner, and John Williams.
Morning Quest 3/7/25
*We had some technical difficulties this morning so some of the audio might be hard to understandÂ
- Scripture Verse of the Week- John 14:27- My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you
- Guest: Betsy Orr Parishioner at St. Josephs in Washington GA and Founder of Heritage in Sharon GA will be talking about Lenten Opportunities at Heritage,
- Gospel:Â Fr. Vincent Sullivan semiretired priest within the Archdiocese of Atlanta reflects on this Sunday's Gospel, Luke 5:1-11 Luke 4:1-13
- Saint of the Day: Chuck – Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs
- Guest: Dr. David Anders will be talking about his upcoming Lenten Mission at St. John Newman Catholic Church in Lilburn this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The mission will focus on "Why people become Catholic, Why people leave the church and what we can do about it."
Father, I thank you for this day.
I know, in faith, that You are delighted that I exist
and I know that the most important reality of my life
is that You love me and that You look at me, this moment,
with such tenderness and love as no one ever could.
I know I am Your only child.
Whatever was my past, you desire to forgive me
and heal me when I want healing… I know it is forgiven.
You give me a brand new beginning this day with a future full of hope.
With You now, I spend a moment to look over what I think might be facing me today.
There are things that will be unpleasant but I know You will be there with me as my best friend, consoling, helping, healing, strengthening and guiding me.
There is absolutely nothing I have to be afraid of.
All this I know Father, because Your Son has told us so. Â