The Morning Quest

Local, live morning show airing weekdays at 8 a.m. on AM 1160 The Quest
Morning Quest 1/29/25
Guest: Dave Sloan parishoner at St Brendan the Navigator in Cumming and Executive Director of the John Paul II Legacy Foundation talks about the transforming power of Theology of the Body.  He also tells us about the upcoming retreat "Our Bodies Proclaim the Gospel" led by Christopher West at St. Catherine of Sienna in Kennesaw on February 22, 2025.  For more information: and; Gospel – Fr. Adam Blatt pastor of Christ our King and Savior in Greensboro GA, Mark 4:1-20; Saint of the Day: Chuck - St. Dorothea of Caesarea; Guest - Catholic Schools Week - Kim McDonald, Founder and Director of Curriculum and Assessments and Leslie Willis Admissions Director will be speaking with us about St. John Bosco Academy in Cumming, GA and the opening of their second campus this upcoming Fall 2025. 

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