The Morning Quest

Local, live morning show airing weekdays at 8 a.m. on AM 1160 The Quest
Morning Quest 3/10/25
  • Scripture Verse of the Week- Galatians 6:9- Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.
  • Guest: TJ Mc Caustland parishioner of St. Augustine of Hippo in Covington GA and State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus in Georgia will be talking about the benefits of becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus.
  • Gospel: Kathy McCormick parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas in Alpharetta GA,  Matthew 25:31-46
  • Saint of the Day: Chuck – Saint John of God, Religious
  • Guest: Fr. Mark White Pastor of Queen of Angels in Thompson GA and St. Joseph's in Washington GA talks about Finding Hope in Lent.

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