The Morning Quest

Local, live morning show airing weekdays at 8 a.m. on AM 1160 The Quest
Morning Quest 2/20/25
John 2:5- His mother said to the servers, do whatever He tells you
Guest: Betsy Orr Parishioner at St. Josephs in Washington GA and Founder of Heritage in Sharon GA is back for Our Georgia Catholic History Series and our conversation today - Catholic History Worth Saving; Gospel – Fr. Revak priest at St. Claire of Assisi, Acworth GA, Mark 8:27-33  ; Saint of the Day: Chuck – Saint Jacinta and Francisco Marto; Guest: Dr. Michael Accurso- Director of Music and Liturgy and Steven Colker- Associate Director of Music Administration at the Cathedral of Christ The King in Atlanta talk about the upcoming Winter Concert at the Cathedral taking place this Saturday Feb 22nd from 7pm to 8pm.  For more information about this event, go to

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